The Real Truth Behind Jazzed-Up Gender Surgery
de·lu·sion: persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary. There are those that embrace the truth, no matter how painful. Then there are those that reject...
The Real Truth Behind Jazzed-Up Gender Surgery
de·lu·sion: persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary. There are those that embrace the truth, no matter how painful. Then there are those that reject...
Juraimy Santiago
Hello! My name is Juraimy Santiago. I usually go by Yuri though, I’m 17 years old. My family comprises my mom, my dad, and my younger brother as well as two dogs! My goal for when I graduate high school is to become an actress. I always had dreams of being on a big...