For college-bound students, we offer the SEE Prep online study program, which significantly boosts test scores. Higher scores mean better scholarship opportunities, and our track record is outstanding—95% of our students receive increased financial aid, with many earning full-ride scholarships. SEE offsets the $1,250 program cost through donor contributions.

For vocationally inclined students, we guide them toward trade programs aligned with their skills and interests. This isn’t a passive process; we invest an estimated $10,000 worth of time per student to ensure they receive the best possible guidance.


Phase I: Discovery

Students undergo a variety of assessments to discover their passions and strengths. As the saying goes, “If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.”

These evaluations—provided at no cost—help us craft a personalized roadmap for each student. Consider that 73% of people who graduate college do not use their degrees


Phase II: SEE Prep

For college-bound students, we offer the SEE Prep online study program, which significantly boosts test scores. Higher scores mean better scholarship >opportunities, and our track record is outstanding—95% of our students receive increased financial aid, with many earning full-ride scholarships. SEE offsets the $1,250 program cost through donor contributions

For vocationally inclined students, we guide them toward trade programs aligned with their skills and interests.

This isn’t a passive process; we invest an estimated $10,000 worth of time per student to ensure they receive the best possible guidance


Phase III: Placement

Once a student has a defined path, we connect them with the right educational institutions, apprenticeships, or workforce opportunities. This is a time-consuming process, but absolutely necessary.




2. Fill out the short form and take advantage of the discount: REG. $1499 NOW $1250.

3. The course will arrive in your inbox and you’ll feel relaxed and excited. Plus, as you complete each module, we will email you just to ensure you’re happy and on right on track.